Uber for elderly

if we live long enough, chances are we will have to graduate from the driver seat to the passenger seat. it is a dreadful proposition for most of us as we view it to be the end of our independence. in today’s day and age. it does not have to be.
Using Uber or Lyft has made the decision of hanging up the car keys much easier. However, suggesting to an elderly to download an app and rely on a smart phone to get around can be very daunting. Someone has their thinking cap on and came up with a solution. I thought I would share.

We help seniors use Lyft and Uber without a smartphone. Folks call a number to get a car. GoGoGrandparent is the reliable, simple and affordable alternative to cabs. Our mission to help seniors live their lives as independently as possible and give their family peace of mind. How does it work? 1) Call toll-free (844) 307-4646 or visit GoGoGrandparent (http://bit.ly/GoGoNextDoor) to register. They can register directly or you can register for a senior parent with their phone number and address. 2) The registered user gives us a call to order a ride. ‚Ä¢ To order a ride to their home they call and press 1. ‚Ä¢ To where we dropped them off last they call and press 2. ‚Ä¢ For anything else they call and press 0 to speak to one of our ‘Professional Grandchildren’, our name for operators. 3) Once the ride is ordered, GoGoGrandparent manages communication and monitors rides to make sure every trip happens safely and successfully. All drivers are screened and believe in our mission! 4) Family members can opt in to receive a text when they are picked up & dropped off. Give us a call at (844) 307-4646 to learn more or click below to sign up.