Self neglect

Warning signs when elders neglect their own care Elder self-neglect is a growing problem that commonly goes unreported because of so many elders living alone. Eleven million older adults live by themselves. The National Adult Protective Services Association defines self-neglect...

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In light of so many recent suicides.

In light of so many recent suicides.

Thank you Beverly Rice for this wonderful information. Depression is not a normal part of aging… Did you know that in the US the rate of suicide for persons 65 and older has increased dramatically over the last 20 years. While...

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Almost done celebrating

May was Aging Life Care Managers month!! We have been so delighted to help celebrate this wonderful profession that dedicates itself to helping with elder and special needs issues. the first week of May was a blast. we went to Chicago...

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Happy 2018!

May health and wealth be at your doorsteps in the new year! My job is to educate the community about our business. Given the fact that we have a pretty unique business model, I like to debrief my conversation after...

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Uber for elderly

if we live long enough, chances are we will have to graduate from the driver seat to the passenger seat. it is a dreadful proposition for most of us as we view it to be the end of our...

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Lessons learned

We at Purview Life are touched by the many lessons we learn every day from our elders. Do you have a story you would like to share with us about influential lessons you learned from your elders? ' contact us...

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together we can change it!

Jeanette Leardi, ChangingAging Contributor I have to admit that as I get older, I get more tired. Not so much physically or mentally, although I do have my moments of fatigue (doesn’t everyone at every age?). No –– what I’m...

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Is it selfish?

Happy 2017 to all! A new year is typically a time when a lot of us intend on making changes to our lives. For the most part we all strive to make positive changes. Ironically, our great intentions often pose...

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